Web Hosting General Feature
Selecting a web host is not always as easy as it seems to be at first glance. When you start looking through the various websites you will see all kinds of features being offered. While some may be self-‐explanatory others may not be. This article will provide you with a quick overview of some of the most common features that web hosting companies offer today.
The two main features you will see are Disk Space and Bandwidth. Bandwidth simply refers to the amount of data that is transferred from your website to the server over the course of the month. Disk Space refers to the amount of space the hosting company provides for your site.
Databases are essential as a way to access and retrieve data, the most common one is the MySQL Database. Look for unlimited when it comes to this feature.
Domains – this feature refers to the number of domains you are allowed to host. This can range from just one to unlimited. Choosing a larger plan allows for future growth but will ultimately increase your monthly payment. If you are just starting out selecting a plan with one domain may be sufficient.
Another feature will be the Control Panel, this is often referred to as C Panel and will work a little differently depending upon your web host. Your C Panel allows you to control all aspects of your site. From installing your domain, creating sub-‐ domains, managing email address and installing software and plugins.
Some hosting companies offer a Website builder which will help you get your site up and running. This may or may not be something that you need. If you are planning on running your site on the Word Press platform, it is an un-‐necessary feature.
1 Click Installs allows you to add platforms, such as Word Press, to your site in literally just one click. This helps to reduce any need for programming on your sites.
Another popular feature is that of the Shopping Cart one, especially if you don’t want to use a third party script. E commerce sites require some type of shopping cart so check that the hosting company can support your chosen one.
As you research the topic of web hosting in more depth you will start to see a common thread in some of these features. Think about what your future plans are for your website and then select a plan accordingly. It is much better to upgrade your plan within your hosting company than to have to go through the hassle of moving to a new company down the road.